Orange County Birth Injury Attorney
What to do about Birth Injuries
Birth injuries are quite common in most natural deliveries such as minor bruising. Orange County residents trust and rely upon health care professionals to be bright, alert and do their best at all times to safely deliver a healthy infant. Nothing is more shocking to a young family than to find out that their new baby has suffered a serious or permanent birth injury. Even worse, many birth injuries could have been avoided with the correct intervention. For those whose child has suffered a preventable birth injury, consult an Orange County personal injury attorney for assistance. Time is critical in birth injury cases.
Birth Injury Lawyer in Orange County
A knowledgeable birth injury lawyer has the ability to understand how a birth injury occurred and what should have been done to prevent it. As an experienced investigator the facts will be uncovered as the medical records are scrutinized and witnesses are interviewed. It is very important to bring the case to the legal team from the firm quickly as medical personnel who were present at the birth may move away and memories can fade over time. Medical records or parts of them can go missing leaving an incomplete record of events thus crucial facts may be lost. Errors on the part of doctors, and other medical personnel present at the birth can result in such conditions as:
- Brain damage
- Spinal injury
- Erb's palsy
- Cerebral palsy
- Brachial palsy
The expense of medical care, physical therapy and other special needs can be astronomical, far beyond the means of an average family. When a child has suffered a preventable injury through medical error, the responsible parties have a financial obligation. The legal team at the firm is determined to ensure the future wellbeing of an injured child by seeking the maximum compensation possible. Find out how to file a comprehensive claim for damages. Call the Law Office of Bruce C. Bridgman for a consultation with a caring personal injury lawyer who will do everything possible to secure the child's future.
Contact an Orange County Birth Injury Attorney at the firm for assistance with filing your claim.